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10 Misconceptions About Anxiety

an image about someone thinking about anxiety

Updated March 14, 2024

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

an image about someone thinking about anxiety

Table of Contents

Millions of people live with an anxiety disorder in the United States. Whether it’s generalized anxiety, social anxiety, or a panic disorder, this condition creates many challenges for those who live with it. In addition, there are many misconceptions about this illness, learn more about the common 10 misconceptions about anxiety such as:

Common Myths About Anxiety

1. Ignoring Anxiety Will Make It Go Away

There is a tendency in human nature to ignore unpleasant situations. People tend to deny realities that are difficult to cope with. However, ignoring your anxiety or denying it won’t make it disappear.

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2. If Anxiety Gets Too Severe, You Could Pass Out

When you’re in the midst of an anxiety attack, better known as a panic attack, the rush of adrenaline and other emotions can be so intense that you might think that you will pass out. However, this is incorrect. As difficult as it feels, the feelings will subside.

3. Anxiety Is a Sign of Weakness

Everyone has challenges in their lives. Anxiety is one of the many problems that a person may face. It is a disorder based on many factors that have nothing to do with your strength or weakness.

4. You Should Avoid Situations That Make You Anxious

Avoidance is a technique that people with anxiety often employ to get away from the thing that is making them anxious. However, by running away from these situations, you only prolong the inevitable and increase anxiety.

5. You Should Not Take Medication for Anxiety

Some people may feel that being anxious is not a condition that requires medication. However, for some people, medication can provide relief and be beneficial. In fact, it may be what is needed, but it should be done in consultation with a medical provider.

6. You Can Only Be Helped by Medication If You Have Anxiety

On the other end of the spectrum, some people think medication is the only solution for mental illness. This is also not accurate. Therapy is mostly the first line of treatment for those suffering from this condition.

7. Anxiety Is Not Real

People may discount this condition as not really a medical issue or a “real” problem. However, an anxiety disorder is classified as a mental health disorder, which is technically a physical disorder. It affects many parts of your physical body, causing several symptoms, such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, and more.

8. If You Have More Willpower, You Can Stop Anxiety

Some people think willpower can resolve everything. They attempt to “will” away all bad things. An anxiety disorder is more powerful than your willpower, though, and requires proper treatment.

9. People with Anxiety Can’t Change

One other of the misconceptions about the illness is that people are just that way and can’t change. In other words, people with anxiety are classified as “worriers” with no hope.

10. If You Don’t Use Any Caffeine Your Anxiety Will Go Away

Caffeine will aggravate anxiety but drinking less caffeinated drinks will not make you anxious.

Get Help for Anxiety Now at Renaissance Recovery

Dealing with the illness all on your own is a big task. Reach out to Renaissance Recovery and find the help of compassionate therapists ready to assist you with this struggle. Our caring therapists and clinicians have experience dealing with these types of situations. By using evidence-based therapies, our therapists will get you on the path to healing. Some of the therapy treatment plans we offer include:

Don’t let the illness rule your life and bring you down in despair. Now that you know these misconceptions about anxiety get the proper help through a qualified treatment center. Talk to an admissions coordinator today about scheduling an evaluation. Contact Renaissance Recovery today by calling 866.330.9449 or completing a convenient online form, and our caring team will be here to walk with you every step of the way.



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