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Telehealth to Reduce Health Risks of Coronavirus

Updated September 17, 2021

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

Table of Contents

The coronavirus pandemic is on everyone’s mind as the total known cases at the end of March reach over 140,000 cases. Now is the time to take advantage of telehealth services to reduce the health risks of coronavirus. Substance abuse treatment programs and therapy are still within your reach.

Health Risks with Coronavirus

It is critical to recognize the health risks with coronavirus and addiction. Drug and alcohol abuse leaves many people with compromised immune systems. People with compromised respiratory systems have an increased risk for the deadly upper respiratory symptoms of coronavirus.

The following increase the health risks with coronavirus:

  • Poor judgment when under the influence
  • Lack of proper hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • Sharing of drug paraphernalia
  • Meeting in groups to use drugs or alcohol

Avoid health risks by partaking in essential addiction treatment services. Having control over your daily life lets you make informed choices and smart decisions.

Coronavirus spreads through contact. Avoiding close contact with others and washing your hands frequently reduces exposure. Telehealth services are available to decrease the risk of coronavirus in those with addiction and substance use disorders.

Reduce Exposure with Telehealth Services

Telehealth services provide zero-contact addiction and mental health treatment. Whether through video chat or a phone call, you can reduce exposure of coronavirus and get the help you deserve.

Addiction and mental health treatment programs include:

Find support and quality addiction and mental health treatment at home with telehealth. Online or over-the-phone services are vital during this worldwide crisis.

Self-Care at Home

As states transition to mandatory shelter-in-place, it becomes more challenging for addiction recovery and mental health. The strain on mental health can exacerbate triggers that lead to relapse. But there are plenty of ways to reduce stress and anxiety at home.

To take care of your mental and physical health during coronavirus, try the following:

  • Exercise- to reduce stress hormones and improve sleep quality
  • Take vitamins- supplements boost your immune system
  • Reduce caffeine intake- caffeine drinks increase anxiety
  • Chew gum- in addition to relieving cravings, gum lowers stress levels

There are many ways to keep up with an exercise plan at home. Telehealth programs offer yoga, strength training, and pilates classes to name a few. Staying inside all day can be challenging, but even with the new mandates to stop the spread of coronavirus, go outside. To reduce the mental strain of shelter-in-place, take a daily walk, jog, or bicycle ride outside. Enjoy the calming aspects of nature.

Other ways to maintain self-care at home include:

  • Aromatherapy- light a candle or take a bath
  • Write down your thoughts- record what you’re thankful for or look forward to
  • Watch a funny movie- laughter breaks up anxiety and low moods
  • Practice mindfulness- take a look at what’s around you
  • Pick up a hobby or continue an old one- paint, knit, read, etc.

Remember, you may not be able to leave to visit friends or family, but you can call or video chat with them. Stay in touch with loved ones or take advantage of telehealth support programs to talk to peers.

Telehealth Services at Renaissance Recovery

Be proactive in your physical and mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. Contact Renaissance Recovery for ways to reduce triggers of addiction and anxiety. The health of you and your loved ones takes precedence. Call [Direct] to set up a telehealth treatment plan to reduce exposure to the coronavirus.



At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment.

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