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7 Ways to Participate in National Recovery Month

an image that says "national recovery month"

Updated December 7, 2023

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

an image that says "national recovery month"

Table of Contents

September is a unique month for members of the recovery communities nationwide because it is National Recovery Month. The month recognizes individuals on the road to recovery from substance use and emphasizes the integral role of behavioral health in overall health. It also builds awareness for those who still require professional addiction treatment.

At Renaissance Recovery Center, we highlight several different ways to participate in the event. Call us today at [Direct] to learn more about how you can get involved.

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Tell Your Story

The story of your battle with a substance use disorder can have a significant impact on someone else in a similar situation. The hardships you face during your journey to recovery and your achievements can be a source of strength to others. Also, other people may be inspired to start their journey to sobriety or seek professional help.

You can tell your story in various ways, such as:

  • Start a conversation with a friend, family, colleague, and other loved ones who might be struggling with substance use disorders
  • Share on social media
  • Conduct interviews with the media
  • Write a blog post
  • Speak at an event

Secure a Mayoral or Gubernatorial Proclamation

There are various kinds of proclamations that local politicians can execute on the Recovery Month website, managed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). These proclamations offer a great way of engaging those who control state and community resources in the fight against substance abuse.

Educate Yourself

Continue learning about drug and alcohol abuse recovery. Educate yourself about the dynamics of healing and how you can ensure your community is drug-free. The official website for National Recovery Month has facts, stats, frequently asked questions, events, sober activities, and media guides touching on vital topics.

National Recovery Month is the right time to learn about substance use disorders and rehab programs through various reports and studies. Share the knowledge you gain with others during this unique month.

Celebrate the National Recovery Month With Loved Ones

September offers a perfect opportunity to reflect on your achievements in recovery and celebrate your milestones with family and friends. Anyone battling a substance use disorder goes through many trying moments that can affect interpersonal relationships.

Use this opportunity to reveal the new you, and celebrate your healthy lifestyle with those you love.

Drug and alcohol abuse is on the rise in the U.S, and millions of Americans are battling at least one form of a substance use disorder. So, when a loved one recovers from a life of substance abuse, it calls for a celebration.

Attend a Local Recovery Event

You can find a list of events and sober activities to attend during National Recovery Month courtesy of SAMHSA. If there is no event near your local area, organize one. Such events enable your community to learn about local drug recovery efforts. Be ready to clarify how you can promote the benefits of treatment and recovery.

Attend an Art Therapy Event

Many people undergoing treatment for alcohol and substance use disorders use art to tell their stories. If you are a member of a recovery group, plan to attend a film festival, an art show, or a play to offer your support. This kind of therapy is ideal for validating your experiences as it can bring more profound healing to both the community and artists.

Organize a Legislative Forum

You can ask for your company’s help in organizing a legislative forum in your community or organization during the national recovery month. Here, you can discuss the relevant legal issues affecting those with substance use disorders.

One of the essential issues is finding ways of helping those affected by substance abuse to seek professional help. Recovery starts with a variety of science-based treatment programs, including:

Learn More About Recovery Month at Renaissance Recovery

Join millions of Americans across the country in celebrating National Recovery Month. Renaissance Recovery Center can help you recognize the efforts many individuals and establishments make to create drug awareness at national and community levels.

Contact Renaissance Recovery today at [Direct] to learn more about substance use disorders and recovery.866.330.9449



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