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How to Help an Alcoholic

an image of people holding hands have learning how to help an alcoholic

Updated March 15, 2024

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

an image of people holding hands have learning how to help an alcoholic

Table of Contents

Understanding how to help an alcoholic can be the difference between the advancement of addiction and sobriety. Take some time to learn what you should do if you or your loved one is struggling with substance abuse.

If you or someone you know is dealing with alcohol addiction and you need to know how to help an alcoholic, the best thing you can do is reach out to get professional help. At Renaissance Recovery, we have the tools, resources, and knowledge to help anyone conquer any form of addiction, including alcoholism. 

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If you need help today, please call our addiction hotline today and we can give you all information you need. 

Let’s take a closer look at what you do to help an alcoholic.

How to Get an Alcoholic Help

Alcohol abuse is a serious problem and those who are drinking too much and drinking too often need to get help. Unchecked alcohol abuse can lead to the development of alcoholism and addiction. 

One of the biggest obstacles that people who are trying to get their loved one help for alcoholism face is dealing with denial.

How to Help an Alcoholic that Doesn’t Want Help

It is not uncommon for people who are struggling with alcoholism, or substance abuse in general, to think that they don’t have a problem. Things like blaming others, being defensive about drinking, being dismissive, and more are all telltale signs of alcoholic denial. Unfortunately, this can delay treatment and may even exacerbate the issue more as they drink to cope. A good way to help yourself or a loved one is asking “do they/I have an alcohol problem or not” in a non-judgmental setting to decide wether treatment is the best option.

The best thing you can do for someone who is in denial is to find a professional addiction interventionist to show them that their habits are causing problems and point them toward a solution.

a couple who learned how to help an alcoholic

How to Help an Alcoholic Spouse

If you are looking for information on how to help an alcoholic husband or wife, it is important to understand that being their spouse, you want what’s best for them.

Helping them understand this point is key.

While an intervention that involves their siblings, parents, or friends can be helpful, spouses often trust their significant other more than anyone else. If you approach them about the problem and let them know the severity of their addiction, it can be an eye-opening experience for them.

That said every case is different and it is always best to trust the word of a professional in all cases, and if you know that your husband is an alcoholic or your wife is struggling with alcohol addiction, speak to an addiction treatment center can help provide you with the best next steps for your situation specifically.

How to Help an Alcoholic Parent

Your whole life, your parents have likely watched over you and helped you when you were down. But, if you are noticing that your mother or father is struggling with some form of alcohol addiction, it may be time to reverse the roles for the moment and learn how to help an alcoholic parent.

Growing up, you may have seen your mother or father have some wine or beer regularly, but this may have developed into a habit of drinking and may have even evolved into an addiction problem.

If you believe that your parent is an alcoholic, it is time to get them help. Don’t delay any further, the longer you wait the worse the situation will likely become. Call our substance abuse treatment program today to learn more about how we can help your mother or father overcome and conquer addiction as well as the underlying problems that may be contributing to their problem.

Fill out a contact form to get help or call now.

a group who learned how to help an alcoholic

How to Help an Alcoholic Friend

Along with family members, friends can also need help when it comes to alcohol addiction and substance abuse in general. If you think that a friend or spouse is an alcoholic, look for a couple of telltale signs:

  1. Spending more time drinking
  2. Financial problems
  3. They are more distanced from you or your group of friends
  4. Making excuses to not meet up

These are just a few signs that one of your friends is struggling with alcohol problems. But, what do you do now?

Approaching a friend or peer about a potential addiction problem can be a tricky thing to navigate. They may feel like they are being cornered or attacked, it is vital that you show that you are coming from a place of love and you want to help them.

One thing you can do is gather your other friends and some of their family members to stage an intervention. A group of people coming together in this way may be enough of a push for them to get the help they need. 

Again, it is always best to seek out help from an addiction professional. If you believe that your friend is dealing with an alcohol problem, please give us a call today.

How to Support an Alcoholic After Treatment

Getting help is just the first step, addiction and alcoholism are lifelong diseases. Just because someone is able to momentarily get sober at a rehab doesn’t mean that they are completely cured and won’t relapse. 

Unfortunately, many people who do make it through a treatment program can fall back into their dangerous habits. That said, Renaissance Recovery is one facility that has an extensive aftercare program and a robust alumni community in place to ensure that all clients who walk through our doors are set up for success even after completing initial treatment.

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Help an Alcoholic at Renaissance Recovery

Renaissance Recovery is a premiere addiction treatment facility that has the programs, and expertise in place to ensure that all clients can get the help and support they need to overcome their substance abuse problems. 

If you or a loved one is struggling, please don’t hesitate to call us at Renaissance Recovery today to get the assistance you need. call today to learn more about how to get an alcoholic help and the treatment options available.



At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment.

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