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Finding a Women’s Rehab Program

Rehabs for women are sensitive to the female experience and provides a comfortable environment for healing without compromising success while they’re going through treatment at a California rehab

Addiction is a disease that affects both men, women and others. However, that doesn’t mean that each gender benefits from the same approach to treatment. Women have completely different experiences with the world and how they relate to it, it is clear their experiences with substance abuse will differ tremendously from others. A women’s rehab program includes clear protocols that will reinforce the nature of femininity and give women the ample support they specifically need. 

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By: Renaissance Recovery

Clinically Reviewed by: Diana Vo, LMFT

Last Updated:


Women face a range of issues from mental health, drug abuse, domestic violence, eating disorders, self-esteem, sexual assault, substance use disorders, and much more. Thus our facilities curate programs designed for women and their unique needs. 

While everyone may experience different barriers to recovery, Renaissance’s staff are here to remove those obstacles and ensure the recovery process goes as smoothly as possible.

Being a woman is not an easy experience, and that is an understatement. Additionally, it doesn’t get any easier being a woman with addiction or mental health issues. 

Women have to experience various prejudices from being quantified for their physical appeal, weight, their ability to shape up as mothers and sisters, their safety in public or events, their safety in relationships in regards to domestic violence, their emotions being invalidated simply for their gender and blamed on monthly cycles rather than a symptom of an existing problem in real-time. Furthermore, other issues can arise like not being able to be taken seriously at work or in leadership positions, pregnancies, single motherhood and dealing with issues of prejudices from all sorts of misnomers and mishaps of life.

It is difficult and it is real, and that’s why women need rehabilitation programs designed by women who understand the experiences women face on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

Importance of Women’s Rehab Programs

Addiction experts and therapists first established gender specific treatment programs to account for the vast amount of differences between men and women. Too often co-ed treatments and therapies focus too much on the problems of men, because of that the appropriate care that women need falls to the way side.

Women are also often biologically different than men and require female only issues that must be addressed in recovery. Drug have different effects on Women, they have different hormone levels, and a rehab program should take these physical differences into account.

Women and men also use drugs customarily for different reasons. Women often use drug as coping mechanism to drown out emotional pain or trauma. Very often substance abuse may also be a factor of domestic violence. In  these cases our women’s specific rehab center has the resources tools and expertise to help guide you through recovery and find a safer environment for treatment.

an image of people at a women's rehab

Problems Women Face on a Daily Basis

Women can experience many traumas and problems such as the following but not limited to:

Family Problems: Women may fear for their lives in cases of domestic violence situations which can be underlying causes for addiction of any type to cope with the pain.

Relationship problems: Women may fear suppression of their voices or abilities to defend themselves when difficult relational problems arise. This can translate into relationships with oppressors, violence, and havoc in many areas of life. Women are indicted with surmounting pressures to give infinite amounts of emotional support at every turn of life as society’s caregivers.

Sexual Problems: When men go out in public they do not have to worry about being sex trafficked as much as women do. Women face being harassed when they go into large metropolitan areas at night without defense mechanisms, weapons, or skills or even the physical advantages men have in terms of self-defense. In general, criminals are more likely to assault women on average when it comes to sex or gender-related crimes. Women must frequently caution themselves relentlessly against all possible forms of violence and abuse when going new places.

Pregnancy: Women are literal portals to life and death and with that responsibility comes teeming amounts of pressure to handle the pain and challenges of surviving child labor. Women are not all built the same and their bodies and aren’t all designed to take the impact of giving birth to another. Pregnancy can be difficult to deal with while in addiction or coming off the post-partum depression that is paired with pregnancy problems.

Parenting: Women face uncompromising amounts of criticism in this area for not measuring up to societal views on what quality mother-son-daughter-other relationships look like. While parenting is a difficult journey, it can become more treacherous more so in relation to various addiction-related traumas.

Socioeconomic problems: Women and men have a pay gap and this has been known for awhile now. Thus, women facing the pressures of providing at home if they’re single mothers. Unfortunately, this can persistently trickle into their mental health and stir up bleak mental health disorders or substance abuse. When you are trying to take care of the people you love and barely making it, it can take a huge mental and physical toll. This has been well documented throughout history even into modern times and serves to be one of the many problems women face in daily life.

Societal relation dynamics: This pain can be excarberated by the stigma placed against women for speaking up in the same way men do, their voices often unheard. These dynamics can often stir up feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and other negative emotion that make the prime breeding ground for drug use.

Romantic relationships: Women often go into romantic relationships with negative people and still maintain the relationship because they believe it is their job to preserve the relationship as caregivers for their partners.

Invalidation of emotional experiences: When a man gets angry, someone will often inquire as to the cause of the problem. If women are angry, it’s easy for ignorant people to pinpoint the cause to hormones or their period. Often times, this is a frustrating experience for women because there is no shared space for them to express negative emotion without it being shamed or repressed. Hence, a lot of withholding and manifesting of detrimental life habits like substance abuse or mental health disorders. 

Being quantified for their appearance or physical capabilities as a woman: Living as a woman is not always easy in terms of dress or appearance. If a woman looks unpleasing, she is easily dismissed by men which contributes to low-self esteem. If a woman looks conventionally attractive, it can invoke feelings of negativity from those with low-self esteem. Either way, women can experience a number of unpleasant social interactions due to this overall representation of being valued primarily for their physical look and appeal. 

Challenges of motherhood or pregnancy problems: If a woman cannot give birth, depending on culture or family setup, she is shamed for her inability to take up the role society has carved for motherhood. She can also face unending criticism or judgement from in-laws or other disapproving family for this aspect. All of these problems can help ignite reliance on substances to quell the depression or anxiety that comes with these issues.

Traumatic experiences: Women can experience a wide range of emotional traumas from sexual assault, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression, anxiety, opioid addiction, abandonment or neglect that all retroactively reinforce negative coping behaviors like substance abuse or mental health disorders. The experiences vary across the board for women but more often than not women are subject to the historical traumas that weigh heavily on them.

an image of a women who got help at a women's rehab

Women Experience Addiction Differently

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, there’s strong evidence to support gender-specific addiction treatment programs tailored to women are both effective and necessary. The women’s rehab program is designed to treat females of all sizes, shapes, backgrounds, and socioeconomic backgrounds. 


When women undergo treatment in this context, it helps to remove the usual clutter and noise that comes with gender relations that interfere with effective recovery processes.

While men experience their own set of problems, at Renaissance we understand that customized, personal gender-specific treatment is at the forefront of sustained recovery. 

Gender-specific treatment allows females to feel more comfortable going through recovery with a women’s rehab program. The program also features specific areas of focus that benefit personal growth and achievement in women.

an image of a group of women from a women's rehab

How Do Gender-Specific Treatment Programs Help in Recovery?

Specify whether or not a women’s drug and alcohol recovery center is for you or if gender specific treatment is. While the effects of substance abuse and addiction may be similar among both sexes, the path to addiction and recovery tends to differ because of the unique challenges being a specific gender presents.

It is no surprise that men and women will face barriers that can be unique to their gender and require additional attention during the treatment process.

In a gender-specific treatment program that is specifically created for men or women, those who are in treatment share not only many of the same issues directly related to their addictions, but also share common general life experiences.

Common factors shared by peers in these types of programs might include experiences as a spouse and a parent. Men naturally want to protect their image as being tough and strong when in the presence of a woman. That’s why, when it comes to opening up and sharing feelings, men relate to men better than they do to women.

We know the people qualified to speak on the women’s rehab experience and design recovery around it are in fact, the women, clinicians and researchers.

As clinicians, mothers, and sisters we understand the gender dichotomy and try to design programs around the female experience. Our treatment programs for women are made to guide them to recovery with the assurance that the female community is backing their transformation every step of the way. Renaissance’s female staff and clinicians aspire to aid and abet our clients in their journey towards health and sobriety in a scaleable way. We achieve this with our evidence-based clinical treatments. 

We pair these programs with adventure-based therapy and sometimes, competent medication management to combat feelings of withdrawal and cravings.

Women are more likely to open up and share their feelings with a group of strong women by their side. With this in mind, Renaissance has made extremely gracious efforts to offer separate men’s and women’s groups as part of their curriculum.

How A Women’s Rehab Center Helps Recovery

Men and women are just as likely as one another to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Yet, research has proven that in most cases, women will use drugs differently and respond to recovery differently. They have their own challenges in completing substance abuse treatment programs.

With the studies and research we’ve conducted throughout the board, our clinicians discovered that women’s rehab programs enhance recovery success by a substantial amount. At Renaissance, gender-specific treatment gives our clients better opportunities to address core issues and underlying causation for the addiction.

Our Rehab For Women

The environment we curate at Renaissance Recovery makes it easier for women to share why they started using drugs or how they feel when using drugs, as well as factors such as their home life, relationships, and any co-occurring disorders that may exist. 

Our women’s rehab program encourages women to create their own road to recovery and ultimately impacts long-term sobriety. With programs like inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehabs and staff who know of the female experience, recovery is that much more accessible. They make their own goals and reclaim their identities free from pressures. Women’s rehab treatment program in Orange County, CA allows women to lend more focus to themselves and their healing process. In women’s rehab programs, the focus is fully on the female experience of sobriety transformation and not of romantic or multi sex focused interactions.

With gender-specific treatment, there is an emphasis on holistic healing and a woman’s relationship to herself and the sobriety journey at hand rather than romantic or sexual relationships outside of the treatment.  Dating yourself is important at every scale of life but sobriety and recovery are much more doable without being harangued by relationship problems or possible ones that can be created in a multi sex environment. At Renaissance, we eliminate obstacles in healing in to create the safest, most supportive environment for women. 

Women’s Drug Rehab Program

A women’s rehab treatment program provides the comprehensive addiction treatment necessary for long-term drug addiction recovery. Addiction treatment programs and addiction therapy services, to provide you with the support necessary for lasting recovery, with the following programs including but not limited to:

In an all-female setting, young women are more likely to share personal, intimate information if surrounded by peers they can depend on in times of crisis. In co-ed addiction treatment, it is likely some women may not confront all of their issues.

Unaddressed issues cause shame, guilt, and prevent successful recovery.

Another benefit of our women’s rehab program in Southern California is that the staff is specifically trained to work with women. In these facilities, there is an overarching institutional knowledge that can be extremely supportive of women in recovery.

 Woman’s Drug Rehab Programs

Woman have very different experiences than men when it comes to substance abuse and addiction. That is why it is important for women to enter into a gender specific rehab center because often time co-ed rehab centers don’t always provide the individualized care that a woman’s rehab program would.

Characteristics of a Good Drug Rehab Program for Women

Many women looking for an addiction treatment center should be very mindful of the services, the environment, and resources available to them so they can choose the best options for their recovery. Elements of a good drug rehab for women to focus on include:

  • A Safe Environment with sober living options, so women can feel safe and secure whilst in recovery.
  • Gender Specific Treatment programs should be geared towards women’s specific issues 
  • Offer Trauma Therapy  programs should have trauma and ptsd therapy to help women recovery from emotional trauma
  • Provide Initial Screenings to ensure that medical concerns and emotional health are adequately diagnosed and treater throughout recovery.
  • Resources  Women face unique issues of motherhood, custody, emotional, and trauma. a rehab center should provide guidance and resources to help with women in recovery.


an image of women who got sober at a womens rehab center

Contact Renaissance Recovery For Rehab for Women

We have a staff of clinicians, gifted medical professionals and a wide-range of support systems in place to aid. We also offer a variety of trauma therapy related services to aid in sustainable and long-term recovery. We’ve discovered gender-specific recovery center experiences across the board have made landmark success in sustained recovery. 

As each addiction case is unique so are the specific needs of the women at the clinics. The needs of women are often understated by people who don’t understand the everyday pains they suffer. Getting help for yourself or a loved one is easy with our compassionate team here at Renaissance.

There are many visible physical, emotional, and mental benefits to enrolling into the rehab for women and placing you or a loved one in the rehab center.

Sobriety and recovery are within reach and hope are only one dial away.

Contact a Women’s Rehab Center in California

Contact Renaissance Recovery to enroll in our gender-specific rehab program for women. Call our addiction treatment experts. We are here with open arms, ready to answer all your questions and help you in your healing journey at 866-330-9449.

Rehabilitation can put an end to addiction

Call and ask the facility directly or call your own provider to determine if your insurance covers the treatment.

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