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Addiction-Related Crime in Huntington Beach

An image of a police siren

Updated April 9, 2024

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

picture of Joe Gilmore
Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

An image of a police siren

Table of Contents

Alcohol abuse and drug addiction are implicated in a range of addiction-related crimes in Huntington Beach and throughout Orange County.

Beyond California, substance abuse and addiction are national issues impacting over 46 million U.S. adults in 2021, according to NSDUH 2021 (the latest report from SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health).

As well as rates of alcoholism and drug addiction soaring in the United States since 2019, violent crime is also on the rise in California. These issues mean that addiction crime in Huntington Beach remains a pressing concern.

Drug-Related Crime in Huntington Beach

Drug crime in Huntington Beach, CA may include:

  • Possession of controlled substances.
  • Sale of controlled substances.
  • Distribution of controlled substances.
  • Crimes associated with substance abuse.

According to State of California Department of Justice, the most abused drugs in the the state of California are marijuana, cocaine, and meth.

The abuse of opioids is also an ongoing concern in Huntington Beach and throughout the Golden State. Fatal drug overdoses and crime are associated with the use of prescription opioid painkillers and synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

The relaxing of drug laws in California following a 2014 ballot initiative (Proposition 47) led to a decrease in arrests for drug offenses at the expense of an uptick in property-related crimes.

Alcohol Crime in Huntington

Alcohol crime in Huntington Beach takes on many forms, including:

  • DUI
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Public intoxication

California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs states that alcohol contributes to half of all assaults, injuries, and homicides in the Golden State.

Alcohol is also the primary contributory factor in fatalities and road traffic accidents in Huntington Beach and throughout the state of California. Resultantly, there are now stringent penalties for DUIs offenses in order to mitigate alcohol-related crime and improve public safety.


Individuals convicted of a DUI in Huntington Beach, California, can expect a severe sentence, even for first offenses. As well as court fees and fines, you are likely to face the suspension of your license and possible jail time.

With the hidden costs of increased insurance premiums and any driver awareness programs or court-ordered rehab you may need to complete, a DUI offense in Huntington Beach could cost you more than $10,000.

You could be arrested for a DUI in the city of Huntington Beach by:

Here is what to expect if you are convicted of a DUI convictions in Huntington Beach, California:

  1. First DUI in Huntington Beach: $2,000 fine, jail time of 6 months, license suspension of 1 year.
  2. Second DUI in Huntington Beach: $2,500 fine, jail time of 1 year, license suspension of 2 years.
  3. Third DUI in Huntington Beach: $3,500 fine, jail time of 1 year, license suspension of 3 years.

If you require help addressing any problematic patterns of alcohol or drug consumption, we can help at Renaissance Recovery Center in Huntington Beach, CA.

Court-Ordered Rehab

In some cases, you may be compelled by a court to engage with an addiction treatment program. This is known as involuntary rehab or court-ordered rehab.

Involuntary rehab may be mandated in these scenarios:

  • EAP: An EAP (employee assistance program) helps employers to connect employees they catch using alcohol or drugs in the workplace with substance abuse treatment programs.  
  • Child custody: You may be obligated to engage with a court-ordered treatment program as a condition of regaining custody of your kids.
  • DUI: You might be compelled to attend a substance abuse education program or an outpatient addiction treatment program as a result of a DUI conviction in Huntington Beach. Multiple DUI offenders who face jail time can request a reduced sentence in exchange for participating in court-ordered rehab.

Addiction Treatment at Renaissance Recovery

We specialize in the intensive outpatient treatment of various conditions at Renaissance Recovery Center in Huntington Beach, including:

  • Alcohol use disorders
  • Substance use disorders
  • Prescription drug addictions
  • Mental health disorders
  • Dual diagnosis (co-occurring disorders)

Engage with a PHP (partial hospitalization program) for an intensive and immersive recovery experience. When you complete your program, you may step down to an IOP (intensive outpatient program) before transitioning back into sober living in Huntington Beach.

For those unable to access our rehab center in Huntington Beach, inquire about our virtual IOP for remote rehab via videoconferencing software.

All treatment programs at Renaissance Recovery offer individualized therapy drawing from a variety of holistic and evidence-based treatments:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual counseling
  • Experiential adventure therapy

You will leave our Huntington Beach treatment center with a comprehensive aftercare plan and access to the Renaissance alumni program. Call 866-330-9449 today to kickstart your recovery.



At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment.

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