Addiction Blog

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Want to learn more about substance abuse and addiction problems? Take a look at some of our newest articles on the Renaissance Recovery blog

The concept of “rock bottom” suggests that individuals suffering from substance abuse must hit their

For individuals seeking help for addiction, understanding the nature of addiction and the journey toward

A PHP (partial hospitalization program) is a highly structured addiction and mental health treatment program.

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Blog Archive

If you are looking for more information on substance abuse, mental health, addiction treatment, or more, you can explore all of our past articles here.

Palm Beach County, once at the heart of Florida’s opioid crisis with a significant surge

The Florida opioid crisis reflects the broader national struggle against opioid addiction that spread across

First responder PTSD treatment helps to protect those who protect us. From witnessing fatal car

Last year, while the nation grappled with a record number of drug overdose fatalities, largely

12-step alternatives might not receive as much publicity as 12-step programs like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Substance abuse and addiction are affecting millions of people across the United States, including in

Vicodin rehab enables people who are dependent on opioids to address physical dependence, as well

Valium rehab is a process that varies in duration depending on many factors. The rehab

Klonopin is a benzodiazepine used to treat panic disorders and seizures. Klonopin rehab enables people

Prozac, an SSRI antidepressant, is prescribed to manage mental health conditions like depression, which is

Misusing Xanax or combining it with other substances increases the risk of a potentially fatal

Naloxone is a potentially life-saving medication capable of counteracting overdoses caused by opioids such as